Friday 10 June 2016

Avengers Assemble!!!

One Day Captain America went for a run. As he was going for a run he saw a picture of his shield on a billboard and that reminded him to listen to his radio, just in case there’s a crime
going on. So he sprinted home as fast as a cheetah with his arms pumping up and down. When he got home he turned his radio on and chucked it on the shelf there was breaking news Loki brang a group of humans that got mutated into rhinos so he ran there and went face to face with Loki.

Loki went for the first move POW!!! Captain America got punched in the face. His nose was bleeding like a arm when it gets cut. Loki laughed “I don't think you can notice but my army has given me 3 times the strength I had before.” So then he ran up to Captain America and tazed him with his scepter. Captain had no choice but to call Thor. A couple of harsh seconds later Thor came flying with his hammer swinging round and round, that caused him to fly. When Thor got there he called lightning to clear Loki’s army away from him. Then he ran to Loki and hit him with his hammer BANG!!!!.Then Loki went back to his galaxy.

“I saw you needed help there” Thor said. Cap was embarrassed so he went home and used his anger to work out now he was 3 times as strong. What will he do next. To Be Continued.. Make sure that you write a comment down bellow

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