♪Musical Madness♫ Are the lyrics to a song that Mr Jacobsen wrote but i’ll get to that later.
This morning we had a Immersion assembly for Term 4, the last Term of 2017 at Pt England School. But first we had to prepare and the teachers remind us about the Pt England way. After those 2 weeks of holidays that felt like 2 days.
As we walk into the school hall I spot Mr Burt with his very colourful shirt and dreads, and behind him were the words “Musical Madness” is our topic for Term 4. It is focused on how music can change you and how you feel.
The most informative Team was Team 1 because their item and talking was very informative because of how they described what their focus is on and how they are going to make it happen. Their focus is on how music can express your emotions and demonstrated it while their item.
I would like to find out more on how music can affect your emotions, actions and feelings. That comes to the end of my explanation. Thank you for reading my Explanation and please leave a comment on what you think I need to work on or any questions about the day.
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