Friday, 3 November 2017

Why do we have Labour Day

Why do we have Labour Day? If that’s the question you’ve been asking yourself for too long, you have come to the right place. I will be telling you about why we have Labour Day and what we celebrate.

New Zealand is one of the first countries to work 8 hours a day, and it is all because of a legend named Samuel Parnell. He was brave enough to fight for himself because in his opinion over 8 hours of work was too long. He went to court and he convinced the government to only give workers 8 hours a day. But sadly the legend passed 2 weeks after.

Now that the Labour Party has finally won. We now have a new Government and a new Prime Minister. So that means the hard workers might have more time to see and spent time with their loved ones.

So did you learn why we have Labour Day? If you didn't, Google's always another option. Besides that thank you for reading my Explanation post and have a great day. By Ajani

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