Tuesday 3 March 2015

My best Birthday Party Ever.

My best birthday party was when I went to my cousins birthday they had a sleepover at their house they invited my cousins from Samoa. We partied all night my cousins Paris and Colin got to sleep over we stayed up until 12 o'clock we payed on my game.
After that we woke up and ate breakfast.

We had Weet Bix and then we went to buy a game and dropped of Collin and Paris.


  1. Hello Ajani,
    I like your Work about Best Party ever. I had a Best party before it was my cousin's. keep up the great work. uli

  2. I think my best birthday party was my cousin’s in one of the event space San Francisco has. It was a really nice celebration and I we had a local band playing there. All the family was present there and most my friends too. It was awesome!


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